Sunday, 30 December 2012


So my dad is sort of a singer/songwriter, (and no man this isn't for him he hasn't asked me to do it) and I just thought I'd show you some of his stuff because maybe you're interested. He's done a lot of work with this DJ guy Bob Sinclar who isn't my cup of tea and also seems to take all the credit for it which is a bit unfair really. Anyway if it's not for you please give it a look anyway because it's not really my kind of music either, but he's super in love with all music and that and well his lyrics are in fact really meaningful and personal.

this was filmed in morocco i think

my dad's (steve edwards) (old) music videos

World Hold On

I'm in this one somewhere I was about 10 and I had an afro

this isn't with Bob guy this is with his band Lords Of Flatbush who I like more. I'm in this one as well for like a second and it was all filmed in da city centre. its all about how us young'uns get blamed for everything and these two old people are trying to put the blame on them specifically.

Okay it's short but wanted you to know I still exist, I'm off to play piano now and thanks for watching these if you did, have a lovely new year!

Jemima xxxxxxxxxx

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Honey, Honey

Hello again... I've not been around I know and, well, so much for blogging often I suppose.
(I'm still new okay I'm not some loser who does nothing all day)

Christmas is a-coming and I still have no clue what I'm going to do over three weeks of holiday. I think we're meant to be revising for our January exams (yay) but I think everyone knows I'll not be doing any of that due to the biggest amount of procrastination the human brain can possibly manage, which in my case is a lot. I've sort of lost my creativity/inspiration/originality/imagination/everything I dream of owning since a long long long while back, and this explains why I haven't posted anything good, made anything or written etc. Hopefully it'll come back soon and maybe early in the new year when all the 'starting afresh' vibes are still flying around. I'm really horribly lazy when it comes to making stuff, for example I told someone that I would make them a  present for Christmas and I haven't gotten round to it yet which makes me feel really bad. But now I think about it I have this week off school to finish it so I'll probably do this tomorrow. (SORRY)

Today was non uniform for the last day of school, and I didn't take a picture of my whole outfit but here's my totally gorgeous face nevertheless. We only found this out yesterday which was kind of annoying because I like to sort of plan mufti day clothes a couple of days in advance, which I know is probably weird because it's just like any other day but I don't know people seem to just expect me to look a little out-there so I guess I need to put a tiny bit of effort into it. ('effort'? what is this sorcery?) Then again I'm sure I'm not the only one because normally on mufti days people are like "omg gurl what u wearin 4 non uni????" like a whole week before it.

so yeah serial killer with a cold:

I wore a yellow 70s shirt that I got from ebay for a fiver underneath a black paisley pinafore dress that has a lace frill on the front, as well as my old flower crown that's now falling to pieces.

I've been listening to the Edward Scissorhands soundtrack (woo Danny Elfman) nonstop all month, partly because it's so so beautiful and makes me cry, and partly because it's SNOWING outside. Like, real actual cold snow! I love that film with all of my heart, it's such a lovely and sad story at the same time and wow Tim Burton/Johnny Depp films are always amazing, to be honest. Listen to the main Title or The Ice Dance first to get a chilling Christmassy feel for it all and then the rest of it, it's all awesome.

I'll finish off with some screencaps and artwork because I think we should all just appreciate the perfection and genius that is the imagination of Tim Burton.


Big Fish (2003)

Perfect film really, so Burtonesque but much less... gothic and twisted (even though I love the twisted) and is it just me fellow Burton fans or do I detect a hint of Wes Anderson in there? It's one of my favourites of his. (And where would we be without a beautiful shot of Helena Bonham Carter in the same film)


The ever-amazing Michelle Pfeiffer as Catwoman in Batman Returns (1992)

Helena as Dr. Hoffman in Dark Shadows

Stainboy is my favourite Tim Burton character drawing. He's so cute and anybody who has read Tim's book The Melancholy Death Of Oyster Boy will probably understand. It's a beautiful book and the short stories and poems inside are really powerful and it's weird, it's as if you're the characters.

Okay and slightly out of the blue here's a great song by Best Coast that you've probably already heard, but either way it's a good tune.

Also it's my birthday in 10 days (28th) and imma be 15 years of age. I only just realised yesterday and woah I can't believe I forgot zomg

Anyway I'll go now and thank you for reading if you are, yo.

Sunday, 25 November 2012

Only a lad

This week has gone so quickly I don't know what to do with myself right now. You know when you get those weird weeks where you think it's thursday and it's actually monday? I've had that for the past two weeks, and I think the monday just gone is the first one ever where I haven't wanted to fall asleep standing up in the middle of the car park. So I guess it isn't a bad thing when you think about it, because the worst feeling ever is when you're in a lesson and your eyes are just constantly closing. Christmas is coming soon! (well, four weeks-ish) I still don't know what I'd like, probably a bit of cash money/dvds/clothes but I don't know. Then again I've seen loads of Polaroid 1000's on ebay and I really want one! Thing is, I know it won't take long to save up for the camera because the ones I've seen are going for like £10, but I think the film you have to use costs a bomb, dang it. Maybe I'll ask for film.

(I think this is some sort of advertisement for one but otherwise source unknown.)

Now about Miranda. I knew what it was and how everyone talked about it at school saying how funny it was, but before last night I'd never actually watched a single episode - to which everyone usually screams "YOU'VE NEVER WATCHED IT?!?!?!" so loudly I just end up cowering in the corner and hiding from the world. It's not that I didn't like Miranda Hart - I saw her in Call The Midwife and thought she was great, but I just don't watch much tv other than when films are on I guess.

(Miranda in Call The Midwife)

I stayed at Rachel's last night and at about 1am she asked me if I wanted to watch it, and at first I was a bit like 'hmm' because I'd never seen it before. But we put it on anyway and wow, have I missed out!!!! It's so darn tootin' funny. And you can watch the episodes over and over again and still laugh. The thing is, Miranda's character reminds me of myself so so much, how clumsy she is and how socially awkward she is just fits me to a T. She always falls over boxes/coat hangers which makes me laugh far more than it should. And she is accidentally half naked a few times as well because her trousers fall down in a club and there's another time when she gets stuck in a park gate and thinks that by taking her clothes off she'll be able to fit through the gap.

We ended up getting through the entire series 1 and 2.

A few things I found from tumblr:

Her accident in the club.

And I love Stevie (what have you done today to make ya feel prouououd)

Perhaps I'm overrating it a tiny bit because I literally laugh at anything and everything (gets me into so much trouble) but I still think it's genius! A new obsession, no doubt.

The only bad thing about Rachel's is that she has a cat, a really cute one called the Russian word for 'little boots' which I won't even try to spell. I'm allergic to 'em, which is the saddest thing ever because I love cats... ;-;

I also found you a video (well just the song) to one of my favourite songs ever by Oingo Boingo, Danny Elfman's band, Only A Lad. It's great and bouncy and happy and I like it.

Danny's style is fantastic, you can really tell it's his arrangement just by the rhythms, and wow that bridge near the end!! I love him.

I still have a cat-caused headache now so I'll go, thanks a bunch for reading if you are!

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Waiting for things to arrive is the worst

You know when you really want everything on ebay/etsy but you're completely broke?
Yeah um that's me, and it's so frustrating because I keep seeing so many lovely things but but but. I feel like I need to get some sort of job but there aren't a lot of places that take on  fourteen year olds.

I did however buy this really nice 60s jumper top thing on ebay for £4, which was good because I only had a fiver. I like the pattern, thing is I ordered it like a week ago and it still hasn't come, I'm so impatient when it comes to internet shopping argh.

And I went to see Frankenweenie today! It was so lovely, and I cried four times throughout... But so did Rachel, so I'm not so weird. I think it was a mixture of the fact that it's a Tim Burton film (my hero)and the happiness-through-sadness I felt at the end. Anyways, I've come to the conclusion that I want to be more like Victor in the near future (i.e. good with science, have a dog, make cute super 8 movies) and I want to be a film director more than anything now!

If you haven't seen it yet, do!!! It's set in like 70s suburbia (I think) and it's loosely based on both the original Frankenstein film (1931) and Tim's own childhood (him making home movies, his dog being one of his only friends). And I love it being black and white!

Weird Girl and Mr. Whiskers

I'm not sure about there being a Weird Girl in his life though, but I must say she does dress mighty fine. In the cinema I found myself desperately longing for the dresses of a fictional character.

I've been busy writing my barnalia, the first two chapters are up if you like Dark Shadows/Johnny Depp/Helena Bonham Carter!

The reason I haven't gotten into the Halloween spirit and not gone all Carrie/Addams Family/Beetlejuice on you is because I'm not actually here for Halloween (*cries*). That's right. For the first time ever! It's really upsetting, and I was getting so excited too. But c'est la vie...

Anyway bye, happy halloween and thanks for reading if you are!

p.s. I have a huge feeling my last few posts were amazingly wordy, so I'm sorry if it was stupid and too much!!! I'll try and make them smaller and more picture-y.

Sunday, 28 October 2012

I went to the Harry Potter studio tour!

Well I finally went on friday, and it was uh-may-zing. There are honestly no words for it. I took 300 and something photos but I don't want to give it away to anyone who might be going so here are a few that I put on instagram.

 I think I might still have a few Helena Bonham Carter skin cells on my hand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 There were amazing painting things, this was one of my favourites because Harry looks like an old woman

The Leaky Cauldron corridor, it's actually only about 7 feet long but at weird angles to make it look about 50 feet instead

I started to cry at one point, (me and Jenny both did) and it was coolio and we actually had that tiny chance to feel like we weren't muggles for once. We went dressed up, so that made it even better! And we met some awesome people who were extras in the films and one girl came up to us and did an impression of Luna Lovegood, and Jenny and me were speechless from how accurate it was.

I want so badly to write every single little thing about it and put every single photograph I took on here!!! But I won't...........

Um, right now I'm listening to The Carpenters and I know it's bad for me because it's bringing on post-potter depression again but just I love them so much asdfghjkl I can't.

I'm thinking of writing up some sort of Halloween-y playlist to help me get into the spirit of things, seeing as we're going away over Halloween for the first time ever :( :( :( But I'm not sure what songs to put on yet. I'll have a think, but it might have to be a post-autumn sort of thing instead. You know, like we're moving out of autumn and starting to get into the winter/christmas spirit.

I always love the build up towards christmas because it's so exciting and happily cheesy but I hate it after the actual day, and I always just end up moping around doing nothing watching unhappily cheesy films and stuff. Plus my birthday is three days after Christmas so it sort of just gets forgotten... I'm sure it's not intentional or anything but I sort of find myself waking up on my birthday either thinking 'oh, it's my birthday! Oh wait, who cares?' or just forgetting it completely. Having a birthday that close is a tricky business, but I guess I'll just have to live through this. (Hole!)

I changed my twitter username from @thepalegloom to @bonhams_ because I feel it more fitting to my current obsession and well if I'm honest I'm getting a teeny bit tired of the whole 'pale dusk' thing. I can't really change it on anything else though because it's my username for basically everything!

I watched A Room With A View (1985) this morning because it's one of my top 5 Helena films ever, and it's a wonderful book by E.M. Forster and I was all happy at the end because it's so romantic and I'm a sucker for these  lovey type things because they make me cry. It's weird actually, because unless I can really relate to something that's sad, I never feel the Titanic violins, but as soon as someone says 'I love you' I really can't help crying and feeling like I can't ever be upset again. Anyway, this nice film inspired me a bit so I did my hair like Lucy Honeychurch in this gif ^
and wore my blue Edwardian top and a pair of vintage bloomers (I know) ((writing that down makes me actually feel like I'm too weird)) and went out to do the English equivalent of thrifting with Rachel and got some new shirts.

Here are some pictures from the sweetest film ever, most of which sourced from here.

That's all I'm gonna write right now because I really need to get some sleep (I'm ill, sigh)...

Thank you for reading if you are xxxxx

Monday, 15 October 2012

And the sky was all violet

This is just a picture sort of thing, ummm look at what I made and a film I watched

Merida arguing with her mum in Brave.

Yesterday I made this brooch (idea from Rookie) out of cardboard and felt and button-type things. I also made a detachable bow but I didn't take a photo.

I've really got into Paloma Faith this week and I bought her new album Fall To Grace; the songs are so lovely and I always run straight into the front room whenever I hear Never Tear Us Apart on the John Lewis advert. I think her hair is really cool and soon I will be getting a lighter bit in my hair too.

As well as Paloma Faith I've been listening to a lot more Hole than usual, I think Violet is my favourite song of theirs but Miss World still remains a classic.

From the Violet music video.

From the Miss World video.

Monday, 1 October 2012

karen carpenter

Hi  I've not been around a lot but I'm really busy with schoolwork and everything blah
But I'm also writing a fanfic and I'm in the middle of making a zine! me!
So sorry about that.

Anyway, over the past couple of weeks my obsession with the lovely Karen Carpenter has grown, she was just so wonderful and angel-voice-like and beautiful and uebwevdfsha.
I've been listening to her like every day and nearly crying because I wish with all my heart that she was still alive and I wish that she had recovered... See I'm listening to Rainy Days And Mondays which always 'gets me down' (get it?)
I really miss her even though I never lived in her 'time' if that makes sense. Why did she have to leave so young?

In other news, I've also been a tiny bit more creative than usual, for example I made another flower crown 

And some pipe cleaner things

Also why are they called pipe cleaners like it's not really an attractive name is it. They should be called bendy fluffy sticks or something because that sounds a bit more fun.

I have a friend who I hadn't seen for about four years until the other day, and it was her fifteenth birthday.
And I customised a little notebook/diary/journal thing for her and I hope she really likes it ah! She's called Gabrielle and she's all cool now she even has a nose piercing wow

I put like loads of pictures on  the ol' instagram of things I put in it but here's the back cover!

On thursday after school in the sweet shop I was lucky enough to come across some candy necklaces for 25p each so I bought two yay! had to bite them really carefully though because I just got a brace about two weeks ago and it still hurts, so although I couldn't enjoy them as much as usual, candy is candy and I will never stop eating it no matter what they stick onto my teeth.

I cried for an hour after watching the last episode of parade's end because I was just so unbelievably happy with how everything turned out! I couldn't resist drawing a picture of Christopher and Valentine in the middle of my french book, and I'll not leave out the fact that my teacher said she liked the drawing because it was cute, instead of giving me the modern day equivalent to the cane for 'vandalising' school property. Though I have darned my locker, schoolbooks and folders with lace and photographs etc already so I really don't know why nobody has gotten onto me about that yet.

That's really it I guess, so I'm going to finish on a very old picture of me and Eve (her being at the front) made up as Aladdin Sane one night.

Please don't hate me Eve.


Wednesday, 19 September 2012


Not entirely sure what I'm supposed to do here... Ohhhhhhh well

But hi, I'm a 14 year old Jemima from England, and I really like a lot of things... um, mainly Helena Bonham Carter, Harry Potter and Alan Rickman, because they're all so zxcvbnmasdfghjkl, put nicely.

But Tim Burton is also my muse and inspiration ah
And I have a tendency to fangirl, one of my more regrettable traits...
I love David Bowie, Kate Bush, Alice Cooper, Bikini Kill and Hole... As well as Best Coast, some of Paloma Faith's stuff, and I'm also a bit of a Nirvana girl
And I'm too shy for my own good and extremely awkward which is another thing I'm not proud of, oh

~you can see more of what I like on my tumblrs ~ (personal) (obsessions blog) 

But moving on, I think I'll post on here anything that's going on with my relatively boring life to make it sound significantly more interesting, should you be interested o_o

(I think that's what the cool kids do nowadays, so)
((don't tell the cool kids I said that))
I'll be back soon then, and because I'm running out of things to say here's a lovely gif of lovely Helena eating what I hope are marshmallows in The King's Speech.