Well I finally went on friday, and it was uh-may-zing. There are honestly no words for it. I took 300 and something photos but I don't want to give it away to anyone who might be going so here are a few that I put on instagram.
I think I might still have a few Helena Bonham Carter skin cells on my hand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There were amazing painting things, this was one of my favourites because Harry looks like an old woman
The Leaky Cauldron corridor, it's actually only about 7 feet long but at weird angles to make it look about 50 feet instead
I started to cry at one point, (me and Jenny both did) and it was coolio and we actually had that tiny chance to feel like we weren't muggles for once. We went dressed up, so that made it even better! And we met some awesome people who were extras in the films and one girl came up to us and did an impression of Luna Lovegood, and Jenny and me were speechless from how accurate it was.
I want so badly to write every single little thing about it and put every single photograph I took on here!!! But I won't...........
Um, right now I'm listening to The Carpenters and I know it's bad for me because it's bringing on post-potter depression again but just I love them so much asdfghjkl I can't.
I'm thinking of writing up some sort of Halloween-y playlist to help me get into the spirit of things, seeing as we're going away over Halloween for the first time ever :( :( :( But I'm not sure what songs to put on yet. I'll have a think, but it might have to be a post-autumn sort of thing instead. You know, like we're moving out of autumn and starting to get into the winter/christmas spirit.
I always love the build up towards christmas because it's so exciting and happily cheesy but I hate it after the actual day, and I always just end up moping around doing nothing watching unhappily cheesy films and stuff. Plus my birthday is three days after Christmas so it sort of just gets forgotten... I'm sure it's not intentional or anything but I sort of find myself waking up on my birthday either thinking 'oh, it's my birthday! Oh wait, who cares?' or just forgetting it completely. Having a birthday that close is a tricky business, but I guess I'll just have to live through this. (Hole!)
I changed my twitter username from @thepalegloom to @bonhams_ because I feel it more fitting to my current obsession and well if I'm honest I'm getting a teeny bit tired of the whole 'pale dusk' thing. I can't really change it on anything else though because it's my username for basically everything!

I watched A Room With A View (1985) this morning because it's one of my top 5 Helena films ever, and it's a wonderful book by E.M. Forster and I was all happy at the end because it's so romantic and I'm a sucker for these lovey type things because they make me cry. It's weird actually, because unless I can really relate to something that's sad, I never feel the Titanic violins, but as soon as someone says 'I love you' I really can't help crying and feeling like I can't ever be upset again. Anyway, this nice film inspired me a bit so I did my hair like Lucy Honeychurch in this gif ^
and wore my blue Edwardian top and a pair of vintage bloomers (I know) ((writing that down makes me actually feel like I'm too weird)) and went out to do the English equivalent of thrifting with Rachel and got some new shirts.
Here are some pictures from the sweetest film ever, most of which sourced from here.
That's all I'm gonna write right now because I really need to get some sleep (I'm ill, sigh)...
Thank you for reading if you are xxxxx
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