You know when you really want everything on ebay/etsy but you're completely broke?
Yeah um that's me, and it's so frustrating because I keep seeing so many lovely things but but but. I feel like I need to get some sort of job but there aren't a lot of places that take on fourteen year olds.
I did however buy this really nice 60s jumper top thing on ebay for £4, which was good because I only had a fiver. I like the pattern, thing is I ordered it like a week ago and it still hasn't come, I'm so impatient when it comes to internet shopping argh.
And I went to see Frankenweenie today! It was so lovely, and I cried four times throughout... But so did Rachel, so I'm not so weird. I think it was a mixture of the fact that it's a Tim Burton film (my hero)and the happiness-through-sadness I felt at the end. Anyways, I've come to the conclusion that I want to be more like Victor in the near future (i.e. good with science, have a dog, make cute super 8 movies) and I want to be a film director more than anything now!
If you haven't seen it yet, do!!! It's set in like 70s suburbia (I think) and it's loosely based on both the original Frankenstein film (1931) and Tim's own childhood (him making home movies, his dog being one of his only friends). And I love it being black and white!
Weird Girl and Mr. Whiskers
I'm not sure about there being a Weird Girl in his life though, but I must say she does dress mighty fine. In the cinema I found myself desperately longing for the dresses of a fictional character.
I've been busy writing my barnalia, the first two chapters are up if you like Dark Shadows/Johnny Depp/Helena Bonham Carter!
The reason I haven't gotten into the Halloween spirit and not gone all Carrie/Addams Family/Beetlejuice on you is because I'm not actually here for Halloween (*cries*). That's right. For the first time ever! It's really upsetting, and I was getting so excited too. But c'est la vie...
Anyway bye, happy halloween and thanks for reading if you are!
p.s. I have a huge feeling my last few posts were amazingly wordy, so I'm sorry if it was stupid and too much!!! I'll try and make them smaller and more picture-y.