Hello to you and thanks for joining this is exciting isn't it! (I've been watching series 1 and 2 of Miranda on a loop ever since I got it for my birthday last month. Can you tell?)
This post has been a long time in coming because to tell you the truth, I just haven't been bothered had time. It's exam week (apparently for everyone) and the past week has been spent with my parents forcing me to 'revise' when I'm really just drawing and writing stuff that has nothing to do with school. I'm totally going to fail, aren't I.
On the bright side though I started a zine on tuesday in one of our revision periods. It was a sort of spur of the moment thing, I've never been imaginative enough to write one before but I drew a pentacle which turned into a playlist which I took home and decorated a tiny bit. Then I thought ZINE! (they're harder to draw than they look, wow) And it's my first one so I don't know how it'll turn out. But again we're back to school and I'm SO TIRED. I keep falling asleep and the only thing getting me through this week is the fact that I'm seeing Les Miserables (omg) tomorrow which I'm already obsessed with. I begged my parents to book the tickets before christmas and wow they actually did I'm so excited.
1. Future Legend - David Bowie
2. Main Title - Edward Scissorhands Soundtrack
3. Heart Shaped Box - Nirvana
4. Leave it Open - Kate Bush
5. Northern Star - Hole
6. California Dreamin' - Mamas and Papas
7. The Tears - Robots in Disguise
8. Desperado - Alice Cooper
9. Forget - Lianne La Havas
10. Season of The Witch - Donovan
11. Waking The Witch - Kate Bush
12. Hugo's Father - Hugo Soundtrack
There are weird ones (1, 4, 11) rock-y ones (3, 5, 8) soundtracks (2, 12) and guitar-y ones (6, 9, 10) and I tried to mix them up so it's not too bad, but I don't know what goes well really. The whole zine's on lined paper for the back-to-school-ness that's going on now ew.
My new Rookie yearbook is great and I've been reading it and looking at the wonderful photo shoots for inspiration and such over the past few weeks. (Petra Collins sure has skillz.) It's so cool and sparkly and pretty and cute aw. I started a diary on new year's day and I really want to keep it going, which is going to be tough because I move on from things really easily because I've got no real sense of determination which I want to fix. (new year's resolution maybe?)
Sorry about all these brackets I can't handle writing any other way.
My 50s ice skates arrived shortly before christmas from ebay, and I'm still trying to work out why I bought them because I stopped skating properly about four years ago. Still, I have fixed the blades on properly because they were just so wobbly and definitely not good to skate in, and I'm thinking I might even start going again like I used to because it's still winter and I'm still allowed to be sparkly winter wonderlandy ok. It's suddenly gone freezing hasn't it? o_o
This is what I wore the other day which isn't one of my nicest outfits but I thought I'd take a picture anyway. And I cut off my face for you.
Budgie collar shirt from ebay, skirt and jumper thrifted. These rubbish outfit photos will hopefully get better, I'm getting a new camera soon (I hope).
And guess what we have big news, we're getting a dog on the 1st of february!!!!!! We're calling him Jasper look how cute he is he's only five weeks old.
This is his dad Jack who is beautiful, and I didn't get a good photo of Lucy (mum).
Also I'm officially fifteen as of the 28th of December, and I feel exactly the same, how outrageous.
And year ten hasn't been the bees knees either, exams here, homework there, it's just constant work work work and there's no time do do stuff I like. uggggh teen life
I'll finish now on these pictures because tiredness, I'm sorry. But nevertheless have a good... um life I suppose and I'll be back soon.
there's a bowie poster there's a bowie poster omg
Drawing/painting of Flower I made her for christmas which you may or may not have seen on her blog, new background, Carolyn's room from Dark Shadows (ideal bedroom) and someone's record collection (ideal record collection) I found on tumblr.