Saturday, 23 February 2013

vive la france

Hello ma chéries, you might have seen me say in my last post that I was going to France with school, and I have to say it was really weird. Sophie, Lottie and I stayed with a woman called Marie Christine and the whole being in someone else's house for five days thing was a tiny bit uncomfortable, but I think we managed... I actually spoke a tiny but of French! Me!

On the coach back from Gatwick airport (don't ask why we had to go all the way down to London I will never understand teachers) we all had McDonalds and I did accents for everyone and was peer pressured into being Wolverine for four hours.

(t  o  r  t  u  r  e)

 (But on the bright side I made some new sixth form friends)

✿ Roman arena in Nimes which is a lovely place 

These next two pictures give me SERIOUS barricade feels, and I don't exaggerate at all when I say that our tour of Montpellier was actually painful because I was literally on the verge of running around screaming "WE NEED AS MUCH FURNITURE AS YOU CAN THROW DOWN!!!!!" (Les Misérables has been added to my list of life-ruiners)

I chose these two because the light went weird/was kind of pretty.

I basically lived in my aran cardigan for the whole trip and everyone was asking "OMG HOW ARE YOU NOT COLD" so I just pointed to my clothes and they were quiet again. I also wore these weird orange culottes and floral vans on tuesday and thursday, and I think they're two of my favourite things ever.

The trip didn't turn out to be totally weird though because I did find a super cool ReCoRd SHoP ASDFGHJK YEAH in a back street and bought two Kate Bush albums that I've been after for three whole years wow. I must have spent the whole of monday in that place. Totes amaze-balls. Totes.

Magical wonderful chocolate and new KB record which I might now use as a backdrop for everything (be prepared for this).

I'm probably going to be spending the next few days trying to be creative and failing miserably, but other than that, see y'all round yo

Jemima xxxxxxxxxx

1 comment:

  1. this is so great (i'm jealouuussssss) its liKE WOW LES MIS. ALSO YOU GOT A CORNIFY BUTTON YEYYYYEYYY

