Thursday 30 October 2014

chamber of reflection

hello! this'll be a quick post - i haven't yet gotten round to figuring out a new theme and things yet, but hopefully this will sort itself out at some point soon.
anyway - how are you ?? apologies again for the huge narrative gap. i'm not really sure what happened ...

quickfiya -- here are some things that have happened to me in the last few months:

i went to america (NY/FL) for the first time
i got a job as a pianist at jameson's
i visited leoni at her place in the summer
leoni visited me at my place the other weekend
i bought art official age (new prince album)
i watched the last episode of the second series of masters of sex (i recommend this show x10000)
started 6th form ............ uhh
started learning japanese

also: my dislike of capital letters is extra strong here.

a lot of pictures I'm hoping to have up here soon are still wrapped up in two rolls of film which I probably should get developed soon (i'm terrible at this). in the meantime here is a short film co-written/directed by my friend bertie i enjoyed a lot:

also i recommend watching bertie's other films if you haven't already, they're so well thought out and make you think about things a lot....

apart from this stuff, i don't have much to say right now? it's late and my mind is all over the place. i'm going to be back on here hopefully more frequently and more interestingly and i'll also incorporate all my new ideas of things i've recently gotten into (e.g. monochrome street style, nu disco/future funk music, art and film etc etc) basically some really really cheesy stuff so be prepared for that.

see you soon!!!

- jemima